Creating a Family Disaster Supply Kit

Preventing the loss of life and minimizing the damage to property from hurricanes are responsibilities that are shared by all. The most important thing that you can do is to be informed and prepared. Disaster prevention includes both being prepared as well as reducing damages.

Disaster Supply Kit

  1. Water - at least 1 gallon daily per person for 7 days ( family of 4 = 28 gallons of water or 9 cases of water)
  2. Non-perishable food for your family unit at 3 meals a day for  7 days
    1. Include specialty foods i.e. infant formula or baby food
    2. Include snacks
  3. Non-electric can opener
  4. Cooking tools
  5. Propane or charcoal for cooking
  6. Blankets, and pillows
  7. Clothing including rain gear and sturdy shoes
  8. First Aid Kit
    1. Include specialty medications if necessary
  9. Toiletries, Hygiene products
  10. Flashlights ( at least 1 per person in family unit and 1 backup)
  11. Battery Operated weather radio
  12. Batteries for equipment, have enough for 3 full battery change-outs per equipment piece
  13. Telephones/cellphones and accompanying chargers
  14. Cash and credit cards
  15. Keys
  16. Toys, Books, games
  17. Important Documents i.e. birth certificates, medical insurance, social security cards, insurance paperwork, etc.
  18. Waterproof container for important documents
  19. Tool kit
  20. Fill all vehicle fuel tanks
  21. Extra Fuel in fuel appropriate containers for generators.


Do you have a pet? 

Be sure to include the following in your disaster kit:

  1. Proper ID & immunization records for each animal
  2. Food for a minimum of 7 days
  3. Water for a minimum of 7 days
  4. Proper leash, collar, and muzzle
  5. Proper Carrier or cage
  6. Specialty items dependent upon type of pet like i.e. litter & litter box, heating lamp, or cage bedding for small animals, etc.