Winter Tennis Camp 2019

Calendar Date:
Repeats every day 3 times.
Saturday, December 28, 2019 - 8:30am to 11:30am

A great place to learn how to play Tennis, get better at Tennis, and learn to love Tennis.

Camp Dates

Full Camp (3-day camp)

  • Dates
    • Thursday, December 26, 2019
    • Friday, December 27, 2019
    • Saturday, December 28, 2019
  • Cost
    • ​Flat Rate: $100.00


About Camp

This Tennis camp is hosted by Lake Clarke Shores Tennis Pro Coach Sherwin Anderson on Town property. The camp is hosted at the Lake Clarke Shores Tennis Courts in Town Hall Park located at 1701 Barbados Road, Lake Clarke Shores, FL 33406. 

Tennis Camp is intended for children ages 6-13. Children attending camp will be introduced into Tennis basics. Among the skills taught will be forehands, backhands, fundamentals of grips, swings, and footwork. Hitting to targets with forehands, backhands, volleys, and serves. Competitive drills.

On the last day of camp, the campers will have a small competition, rally ball, and a pizza party. Families are invited to watch. 

Both a pavilion, bathroom, and water fountain are on-premises during camp. Snacks and water will be available for campers. 

What to bring

Campers are requested to wear activity appropriate clothing including closed-toe shoes and a hat or visor. Tennis rackets and tennis balls will be provided. If your child already has a Tennis racket they are encouraged to bring one they are already comfortable with. Please apply sunscreen prior to dropping off your child and if you feel they will need to reapply please send them with their own sunscreen. Although water and snack will be provided please send your child with a water bottle. Be sure to include any allergies on the registration form, if you would prefer to have your child bring their own snack due to dietary restrictions please feel free to do so. Be sure all items have your child's name on them.

How to register

As the Town works to comply with accessibility requirements to achieve full inclusion we do not have a PDF for download. If you would like to have a Tennis Camp Registration emailed to you please email your request to Eliza Hansen or stop by  Lake Clarke Shores Town Hall to pick up or submit a form. Registration fees can be paid via check, cash or credit card. For those unable to come by Town Hall you may email your form to Eliza Hansen and call to pay over the phone. Thank you for your patience as we work on setting up an online form that will also allow you to pay. 

For any additional questions, please reach out to our Special Projects Coordinator, Eliza Hansen at 561-331-2796.

Basket of Tennis balls