CRA Incentive Programs: Critical Tools



Incentive programs offered by the Lake Clarke Shores CRA are essential tools for improving the area.

Attracting Investment:

Incentive programs such as grants and low-interest loans can attract private investment into Lake Clarke Shores. This can lead to the creation of new businesses, job opportunities, and increased economic activity.

Stimulating Development

By offering incentives for developers and businesses to invest in redevelopment projects, the Lake Clarke Shores CRA can help stimulate development in underutilized areas. This leads to the revitalization of neighborhoods, improved infrastructure, and a more vibrant economy.


Improving Property Values

Redevelopment projects supported by Lake Clarke Shores CRA's incentive programs can lead to increased property values in the rest of the town. This benefit of existing property owners encourages further investment, and generates additional tax revenue for the town.


Addressing Specific Needs

Incentive programs can be tailored to address specific needs, such as adding more housing, historic preservation, or environmental sustainability. This allows the CRA to focus on priority areas and achieve targeted redevelopment goals.



In a competitive business environment, incentive programs can make a significant difference in attracting businesses and developers to choose Lake Clarke Shores over other locations. This competitiveness helps Lake Clarke Shores stand out and attract the investment needed for growth.


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